Chapter 15.08 FLOOD CONTROL
This chapter is included in your selections.
- 15.08.010 Findings.
- 15.08.011 Statutory authority.
- 15.08.020 Purpose.
- 15.08.025 Deference to federal regulations.
- 15.08.030 Definitions.
- 15.08.031 Use of other base flood data.
- 15.08.035 Records to be obtained and maintained.
- 15.08.040 Permit – Required for floodplain development.
- 15.08.050 Permit – Application.
- 15.08.060 Permit – Requirements.
- 15.08.070 Flotation, collapse or lateral movement.
- 15.08.080 Construction materials and practices.
- 15.08.090 Water and sewer systems.
- 15.08.091 Specific standards.
- 15.08.100 Elevation – Residential structures.
- 15.08.110 Elevation – Nonresidential structures.
- 15.08.120 Critical facilities.
- 15.08.130 Floodproofing.
- 15.08.140 Increase of flood height.
- 15.08.150 Mobile homes moving into parks.
- 15.08.151 Recreational vehicles.
- 15.08.160 Flood damage control measures.
- 15.08.170 Subdivisions and utilities – Requirements.
- 15.08.180 Subdivisions and utilities – Application of requirements.
- 15.08.190 Conflicting provisions.
- 15.08.200 Liability denied.
- 15.08.210 Preexisting structures.
- 15.08.220 Contracts authorized.
- 15.08.230 Complaint.
- 15.08.235 Correction of violations.
- 15.08.240 Enforcement.
- 15.08.250 Costs.
- 15.08.260 Variance procedures and appeals.