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Number Description Action Date Disposition
AM 24-11 Acting City Manager To Negotiate And Execute Bid For Chemical Storage Building From Bethel Contracting, LLC. With Lowest Bid Of $1,349,230.00. 5/16/2024 Special
AM 24-10 Confirming James Harris as Chief of Police. 5/14/2024 Special
AM 24-09 Acting City Manager to negotiate and execute negotiations for bid proposal for Police Communications Tower from STG Inc. with lowest bid of $606,200.00. 5/14/2024 Special
Res. 24-07 Placing a hold on issuing community action grant distributions until the third quarter 2024 and waiving the holding of community action grant committee meetings until September 2024 4/23/2024 Special
AM 24-08 Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and enter into a contract with Bethel Friends of Canines to provide animal shelter and animal care services for the City. 4/23/2024 Special
Res. 24-06 Conditionally protesting the renewal of a restaurant or eating place license for Fili’s Pizza, License No. 5445, operating at 110 Osage Street, Bethel, Alaska Does not carry
AM 24-07 Approve and Adopt Revisions to Federally-Mandated FTA Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy for Bethel Transit System as Provided by Department of Transportation. 4/9/2024 Special
AM 24-06 Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Tundra Women’s Coalition to support Transit System Operations, and the Transitional Housing Program. 4/9/2024 Special
Res. 24-05 Authorizing administration to amend the city of Bethel Public Employees' Retirement System participation agreement to exempt the position of grant manager 3/26/2024 Special
Res. 24-04 Supporting changing the precinct location for Bethel Precinct No. 1 from the Lower Kuskokwim School District board room to the Yupiit Piciryarait Cultural Center 3/26/2024 Special
Ord. 24-03 Amends § 4.16.170, exemption cards 3/26/2024 Codified
AM 24-05 Appointment of Committee and Commission Members for a term of three years. 3/12/2024 Special
Ord. 24-02 Amends § 3.12.070, employee classification plan 2/27/2024 Codified
Ord. 24-01 Amends §§ 4.17.010, 4.17.020 and 4.17.030, excise tax on cigarettes and other tobacco products 2/27/2024 Codified
AM 24-04 1. Direct Administration to negotiate and execute a services agreement for a cloud-based Human Resources Management platform to include - onboarding, digital personnel file maintenance, forms repository and employee policy acknowledgement. 2. Direct Administration to investigate future expansion to include integrated cloud-based timekeeping and payroll services. 2/13/2024 Special
AM 24-03 Commitment to Provide Cash Match for SFY 2025 FTA 5311 Grant to Fund Transit Operations. 2/13/2024 Special
AM 24-02 Appointment of Committee and Commission Members for a term of three years. 2/13/2024 Special
Res. 24-03 City of Bethel priorities for the SFY 2025 state of Alaska capital budget 2/13/2024 Special
Res. 24-02 Authorizing administration to evaluate the city’s capacity for the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation’s Last Frontier Housing Initiative grant program for rural professional housing, and to solicit interest from other agencies for their passthrough acceptance of the affordable housing unit funding 2/13/2024 Special
Res. 24-01 Supporting the renaming of the Bethel National Guard Armory, after Bethel resident and Alaska National Guard serviceman Robert Hoffman 1/23/2024 Special
AM 24-01 Appointment of Committee and Commission Members for a term of three years. 1/9/2024 Special
Ord. 23-19 Adds Ch. 3.60 [3.70]; amends Chs. 3.04, 3.16 and 3.48, telework 11/28/2023 Codified
Ord. 23-18 Amends § 2.60.030, committees, commissions, and ad hoc committees 11/14/2023 Codified
AM 23-31 Appointment of Committee and Commission Members for a term of three years. 11/14/2023 Special
AM 23-30 Authorize the City Clerk and City Attorney, on behalf of the City Council, to negotiate and execute an agreement for contract Interim City Manager services between the City Council and Alan Lanning beginning November 1. 10/24/2023 Special